
Littlest Billionaire: Athina Onassis, 4, who may...

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Littlest Billionaire: Athina Onassis, 4, who may be the world’s youngest billionaire, will live in a newly purchased house near Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Security upgrades are being made at the house for the daughter of the late Christina Onassis, and the girl’s French father, Thierry Roussel. Athina inherited a fortune estimated at $1 billion after her mother died in Argentina in 1988.

Santa in Skirts?: “It’s about time America admits Santa Claus is really a woman,” County Supervisor Angela Alioto told the San Francisco Court of Historical Review and Appeals on Wednesday. She also told the mock court, which debates historical questions, that the jolly old elfette came from Italian tales of a figure delivering presents to European children. Municipal Court Judge Diane Wick agreed that the original Santa wore skirts. She attacked the male Santa Claus as “a hoax and a fraud on the people of this country, especially the children.”

Too Long: Former televangelist Jim Bakker got backing Thursday from the North Carolina Council of Churches, which said the 45-year prison sentence he got was too harsh. The council, representing 25 denominations, does not defend Bakker’s illegal acts but contends the term was unfair compared with punishment of other white-collar criminals, said Collins Kilburn, executive director. Iran-Contra figure Oliver North got a three-year suspended sentence and two years probation. Wall Street raider Ivan Boesky received a three-year sentence. “Maybe there was a little too much secret glee in the hearts of some” because “Bakker had the book thrown at him. He’s human too,” Kilburn said.


Yule Hogs: Jack and Helen Miller, farmers in Barclay, Kan., want their pigs to enjoy the season. They’ve Christmas-decorated the former schoolhouse where their sows and piglets live, then topped it off with the pigs’ own miniature Christmas tree. Next year, the Millers plan a new outside decoration--a lighted sleigh pulled by eight tiny piglets.
