
Angry Killer

It is a tragedy that not one person recognized 25-year-old Marc Lepine’s anger (“Canadian Killer Sulked When Things Went Wrong,” Part A, Dec. 8). The mental health and well-being of every member of a community are vital to the well-being of all concerned. Even though Montreal protects its citizens with strict gun control laws, in this day and age of violent anger and deep, personal sorrow, family members, neighbors and acquaintances must open their eyes and hearts to the troubled people in their midst. We cannot afford to ignore the signs of depression, no matter the “inconvenience.”

As reported in The Times, young Lepine’s history of abandonment and anti-social behavior was evident for seven years. In that time had no one noticed his anger? Perhaps Marc Lepine was beyond help or reason but there may be another person, living next door or in our own homes, who is in need of care and guidance.

Fourteen women dead, 13 others wounded at the hands of one man. Who says one person can’t make a difference?



