
Center Should Offer Coffee to Concert-Goers

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My husband and I are longtime subscribers to the Orange County Philharmonic Society. We were disappointed when the philharmonic moved to the Orange County Performing Arts Center and began scheduling performances on weeknights. But we have since adjusted to that.

However, there is one thing to which we have not adjusted: On concert nights we rush home from the office, have a quick supper and go off to the symphony. Frankly, we’re tired and we often have to fight the urge to doze. We are not alone in this. Many of our friends have similar complaints. The philharmonic used to present its shows at the high school, and we could get a quick cup of coffee. But at the Center none is available.

About two years ago I wrote to the president of the philharmonic to ask that they revive the custom of serving coffee. I was astounded to hear that the Center has no facilities to brew coffee. I have since heard that the problem is the carpeting--that management is concerned about coffee stains.


Why did they install carpeting that is susceptible to stains? Especially in a public place? Since they serve coffee at the Los Angeles Music Center, I can only assume that their carpeting is either stain-proof or they are more interested accommodating concert-goers than are their counterparts at the Orange County Performing Arts Center.

Once more, I write to ask that coffee be served before the performance and during intermission. But I propose a compromise: Engage an outside vendor to sell coffee out on the patio; the Center staff won’t have to assume the added responsibility, and the carpeting will be preserved.

One final thought: When you consider how society’s attitude about drinking has changed, it would be to the Center’s credit if they would offer a warm non-alcoholic drink as an alternative to wine.



