
Selling Pieces of Berlin Wall

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There must be something peculiar to our species that we have this preoccupation with rocks. When we’re growing up, we collect them. When we stop growing, we erect them--into walls.

I’ve touched rocks and walls in Washington, D.C. One rock was polished smooth so that people couldn’t break off a piece. It was from the moon. One wall was nothing but broken pieces--its black surface scratched with the names of a few of my teen-age friends--and 58,000 more.

The Berlin Wall, now there was a wall! It divided people and ideologies for more than a quarter century. They got their money’s worth when they built that eyesore.


I never actually thought we’d ever see an end to the Berlin Wall, except from Soviet Bloc tanks blasting through.

Instead, I bought a piece of that monument to subjugation, at a department store, at $10 a pop, just in time for Christmas.

I know it’s an artifact, and a piece of history, but every time I look at it I have to smile. There’s just something about the thought of free enterprise selling the Wall for profit that smacks of poetic justice.


Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor? Only those who don’t know him and build walls.


