
Cosby’s Comments

I felt stunned and sad when I read what Bill Cosby had to say about his daughter in Lawrence Christon’s Dec. 10 article.

I do not know anything about Erinn Cosby, but I do know that wherever she is tonight, she is filled with sorrow at seeing those words in print.

One of the loneliest experiences a human being can have is to be the recipient of blame and condemnation by a parent.


It is a common but tragic mistake to single out one child as being “the problem” in a family. Parents blame the battle on the child’s stubbornness (never mind their own stubbornness) and believe the only way out is for the child to capitulate. There are no winners in this struggle. We need a new perspective.

How can we teach our children to be open-minded and understanding unless we first display such qualities toward them? How can we teach children (or anyone) compassion if we put labels on them?


Santa Barbara

Cosby, who has characterized his approach as “tough love,” was critical of his 23-year-old daughter, calling her stubborn and untrustworthy. Erinn Cosby was treated earlier this year for alcohol and cocaine abuse.
