
U.S. Forces Invade Panama, Oust Noriega Regime

Merry Christmas, America. Here’s your present--a war. (“Gee dad, that’s swell. Will there be a flag on Johnny’s casket when they send him home?”)

The military-industrial complex really pulled off a great coup this time--and how about that timing? I’m sure at least a thousand media types got their marching orders, too, and with any luck there should be some good, gory film on the telly for all of us proud Americans to watch while we’re eating our Christmas dinners.

The price for all this “glory”? Well, all of us that were hoping for a nice, peaceful decade ahead can flush that dream right down the toilet. This little “police action” has opened up that whole Pandora’s box again. An open invitation for everyone else to fall back on military action as the final solution to everything. (Maybe it is!)


Our government--with its pious, hypocritical, holier than thou attitude--doesn’t fool anybody. Over there sucking up to China--after all, a 600-pound gorilla can do anything it wants to, right?--while singling out these small, poor countries to show how “tough” and “pure” we are.

President Bush might have made a few people’s day--but he also might have ruined a whole bunch of other people’s new decade.


Palm Springs
