
Sounding Off on KFI-AM

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In the face of KFI-AM’s recent problems with the Federal Communications Commission, we as a community ought to look twice at what we consider “good listening.” Whether liberal, conservative or otherwise, KFI’s “personalities” are loud, foul-mouthed, self-righteous and frequently demeaning of callers.

Tom Leykis spends much of his air time discussing such timely issues as sexual organs and cutting off callers who question his opinions. Rush Limbaugh, laughingly and outrageously called a “conservative,” claims to be God’s gift to our bedraggled citizenry and callously belittles those who are out there working for the welfare of the have-nots. Both these men (and they are not the only members of the KFI freak show) trade in bad-mouthing, derogation, yelling and screaming reminiscent of TV wrestling promotion.

That the FCC should fine them for some specific items of content and ignore the manner in which they regularly spew garbage at the public is a condemnation of public values and sensibilities--or maybe it’s just what Angelenos want in their media.


