
Arafat and PLO


What is the difference between a Noriega, a Ceausescu or an Arafat? The world condemns Manuel Noriega because he murdered Panamanians who opposed him, and prevented his people from having the freedom to choose their own leaders. The world condemns Nicolae Ceausescu because his military murdered people who opposed him. Yasser Arafat and PLO factions have assassinated fellow Palestinians who opposed them. Why doesn’t the world condemn them?

The world understood that Panamanians should be freed from the control of Noriega, and that Romanians should be freed from the control of Ceausescu. Why isn’t it obvious to everyone that Palestinians must be freed from the control of Arafat and the PLO?

If Arabs and others wanted justice for Palestinians, they would not have deliberately obscured the fact that Arafat and factions of the PLO have the same kind of control over Palestinians that Noriega had over Panamanians and Ceausescu over Romanians. There will be hope for a just peace for Palestinians when Arafat and the PLO are eliminated.



