
20 Things You May Not Know About Love


1. You are more likely to fall in love if you are angry or afraid than if you are indifferent or bored. Adrenaline makes the heart grow fonder.

2. You can genuinely love two people romantically at the same time.

3. People can fall in love at any age up to 100, perhaps older, and the more lovemaking, the better.

4. Those who “save themselves” are rewarded with incapacity in later years. People can continue to have sex all their lives provided they have good health and an interested partner. Use it or lose it.


5. Men fall in love more quickly and easily than women. Women fall out of love more quickly and with less difficulty than men.

6. In a happy marriage, the wife’s personality tends to become more like her husband’s; in an unhappy marriage, the husband’s becomes more like the wife’s.

7. A study has found the late, late television show is one of the most effective deterrents to romance.

8. You know you are both equally in love when you don’t have to laugh at his jokes unless they are funny.

9. Love can prevent disease--even colds--but you’re not immune if you’re playing the field. Cold viruses seem to know a Don Juan when they meet him.

10. Most people who marry meet through a mutual friend or blind date, but the office romance is catching up.


11. In studies done at singles bars, men were just as likely to approach and pick up a plain Jane as they were a beautiful woman, and vice versa.

12. The more deeply a couple is in love, the more time they spend gazing into each other’s eyes.

13. There are people who think the world owes them a loving, who expect to be loved and adored but can’t give love.

14. You can love at first sight, but it probably won’t happen to you.

15. Men think about sex every other minute. Women think about it once every 10 minutes.

16. The ability to understand one’s mate has absolutely no bearing on domestic happiness, according to new studies.

17. The key to verbal seduction on the telephone is to be brief but to call frequently.

18. The people who are most satisfied with the way they look are also the most satisfied with their love relationships.

19. Each of us unconsciously has a list of characteristics that we want in a partner. We check out each new person we meet, but we are willing to settle for less.


20. A typical love affair (outside marriage) lasts 15 months.
