
Oil Spill Off Huntington Beach


After having read the article “Tanker Spills Crude Oil Off Huntington Beach” (Feb. 8), I was both stunned and appalled at the stupidity involved in creating such a disaster which could easily have been avoided.

The drilling and transportation of crude oil should not be allowed in the coastal waters off of California. At the very least, more adequate safety measures and a prepared cleanup team should be installed in case of such an emergency.

As a surfer and recurrent lifeguard at Huntington Beach, I have a unique perspective of the ocean, both of its beauty and its savage energies. Knowing now that this beauty will be marred by black goop and messy cleanup crews greatly upsets me. The beach will be closed to both surfers and beach-goers alike for an indefinite amount of time while cleanup workers dispose of all this black poison. I doubt the beach will ever be the same for me again.


This lack of foresight has caused irreparable damage to our environment time and time again. When will we learn?

If all oil and gas exploration off our coastal waters is banned, this would be the first step forward in cleaning up the environment which is so necessary for our survival.


La Jolla
