
Roles of Agriculture, Politics in Medfly Issue


Today I spoke to a woman who had a novel idea that the Crystal Cathedral should open its doors or windows to the homeless. Since the cathedral has been exempted from spraying, not only would they not be sprayed with a possibly poisonous substance, but it would be translating Christian doctrine into practice.

Those of us with homes to shelter us have been advised to stay indoors and protect our cats and pets. But what about the unprotected sector of our population, the helpless men, women and little children who must suffer this contamination without shelter of any kind?

Surely the armories should be kept open and available to them? For days on end now armories have closed their doors with the excuse that it has not been cold enough. Which one of us would welcome trying to sleep outside on these damp and cold nights, let alone be doused with malathion?


Surely all the churches could open their doors, as well as the schools, the libraries, and so many other public buildings. In fact, all the doors would open were these suffering people the victims of an earthquake. They are, in fact, the victims of a social earthquake. It is time for us to recognize this fact and act responsibly and humanely upon it.



Easton is chairwoman of the Irvine Task Force for the Homeless.
