
Chamorro’s Upset Win in Nicaragua


After reading Elliott Abram’s dogmatic and ideological nonsense concerning the “free elections” in Nicaragua (Op-Ed Page, Feb. 27), I was gratified to see that you also included the viewpoint of Philip C. Roettinger.

Roettinger, a retired Marine colonel and former CIA officer, hit the nail right on the head! Anyone with a modicum of common sense will realize that the notion of a free election in Nicaragua with the resulting victory of Chamorro is a farce. For approximately 10 years the United States government has undermined and subverted Ortega’s government and the Nicaraguan society and economy with its severe economic sanctions, the mining of Nicaraguan harbors and its support of the Contra gang.

The huge sums expended by the U.S. to accomplish its will in Nicaragua would be comparable to a sovereign foreign power spending billions in 1991 and 1992 to defeat George Bush. Would Americans consider the defeat of President Bush in such a campaign environment a fair and free election?


Round one is now over. What will follow is what Roettinger so succinctly describes and what I prefer to call the Corazon Aquino syndrome.

The U.S. government will pour dollars into Nicaragua in order to give the perception that Chamorro’s performance is outstanding. Of course, little if any of this U.S. aid will filter down to the poor and needy of Nicaragua.

Round two will begin with another popular uprising, drawing the U.S. deeper and deeper into the Central American quagmire.


Long Beach
