
Housing Is Only a Commodity Now

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In response to your article in the Times Westside section March 4, 1990: Fighting For a Place to Call Home.

The sad and appalling truth is that this type of displacement takes place all over our city, and all types/ages of low income people are the victims.

The other tragedy is that people like Mimi Greenberg are so lacking in understanding and have no empathy for people in this situation. Housing has become yet another commodity to be had for the highest bidder, despite the fact that all people must have shelter. Being displaced for many poses greater problems than most would admit to. Statistics show that many elderly never make it through the trauma of moving and readjusting their lives in a new neighborhood, often leaving loved ones and friends behind. And what do the city officials say? That they will look into the legislation that currently allows for condo conversion. That equals a big nothing!


Molly Adams, like many before her who have spoken out against being displaced, will lose in this battle. That is assured as long as there are other tenants (who are young professionals), who continue to speak out on behalf of for-profit developers, who use intimidation to get rid of elderly and low-income tenants, while replacing them with people who support their for conversion.

As stated by Ms. Greenberg, Ms. Adams is a “ . . . sadly misguided old lady who apparently finds delight in malicious activities.” Is it malicious to try to fight to save one’s home?

As an urban planning consultant I deal with these types of issues daily. Never before have I been so appalled by such an attack on one who is just trying to save her home.


