
Gorbachev Gives Lithuania 3 Days on Independence

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From The Washington Post

Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev on Friday gave Lithuania three days to comply voluntarily with a resolution by the Soviet Union’s highest legislative body invalidating its declaration of independence.

The Soviet news agency Tass said the deadline was communicated in a telegram sent by Gorbachev to Vytautas Landsbergis, Lithuania’s new president and leader of the Sajudis independence movement. The telegram did not specify what action the Kremlin will take if--as seems practically certain--Lithuania does not comply, but the Kremlin has indicated it would not resort to military force.

The constitutional showdown over Lithuania’s attempt to secede has confronted Gorbachev with his first crisis since his election Thursday as the Soviet Union’s first executive president. After arguing that the country needed a strong presidency in order to avert political and economic chaos, he is now under some pressure to demonstrate that he can act decisively.


In an attempt to forestall further independence declarations, the Congress of People’s Deputies on Thursday adopted a resolution declaring that Soviet law remains in force in Lithuania. The resolution also instructed Gorbachev to ensure that the rights of all Soviet citizens are respected.

Lithuanian leaders have insisted that they will not back down.
