
San Quentin Death Vigil

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So now that Robert Alton Harris is going to pay the ultimate price for the wanton murder of two teen-agers, the liberal bleeding hearts are coming out of the woodwork (“Death Penalty Foes Resume Lonely Vigil at San Quentin,” Part A, March 5). For some vague reason these bleeding hearts confuse heartless killers with political prisoners.

Stephen Sousa’s comment about contacting dictators around the world to condemn them for their human rights violations and comparing that with his concern for the rights of Harris is ludicrous. There is a vast difference. What human rights belonging to a heartless murderer like Harris has anyone violated?

What these people seem to forget is that it is the will of the people by an overwhelming number to put an end to heinous criminals.


And Ramona Ripston’s concern over the terrible thing that is going to happen to Harris is just as ludicrous. It makes me wonder if this concern would be the same if one her own had suffered the frightful fate endured by those two youngsters who had just begun to live.

But we always hear the same old, tired, weak alibis given to protect murderers, affirming that they were mistreated as children, and that if given a second chance, they would turn out to be model citizens.

A person who kills children, then eats their hamburgers, has to be the most heinous of criminals. Knowing full well the way our “justice” system works, few if any killers serve their life terms.


It is interesting to note that none of the parents or relatives of these victims are out there burning candles, keeping vigil over the well-being of a vicious criminal. And the “abolitionists” should not blame the clergy for being quiet on the matter. If any clergyman is worth his salt, he will adhere to his Bible which in Genesis 9:6 states: “Whosoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God has God made man.”


Fountain Valley
