
Countywide : Agency May Cut Services for Elderly

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Programs providing free and low-cost meals for Ventura County senior citizens may be reduced because of federal budget cuts, officials said Monday.

The effect of the cuts on local programs was discussed at a public hearing of the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging, which coordinates support and nutrition services and runs centers for the 91,440 county residents age 60 and older.

“The hardest hit program is our nutrition program,” Executive Director Colleen House said. “We’re looking at an $8,200 drop in just the meal program” offered to senior citizens in 15 central locations.


For all agency programs, combined federal and state funding, which has remained constant, is $1.06 million for the year beginning July 1. Last year, the total was $1.07 million.

A $500 increase in federal funding was allocated for the agency’s program for delivering meals to senior citizens. But House called the amount “minuscule.”

The meals are free, but donations, which average 90 cents per meal, are accepted. Funds, which had been diverted from paying for meals to help seniors get to centers, also have been cut, jeopardizing a bus and van service. Total funding for that program is about $102,000 short of the amount needed to continue providing current levels of transportation.


Other social services programs, including legal services, adult day care and support services for those caring for the elderly will continue to receive funding at last year’s levels, House said, although there is a cut of about $5,000 in social services this year.
