
Public Libraries Need More Support

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We commend the writers of the excellent Column One article (March 12) on the state of public libraries in America. Unfortunately, the picture is bleak in many communities.

Because of the farsightedness of our Newport Beach City Council and the interest of our citizens, Newport Beach is a fortunate exception to the widespread decline in support for public libraries. We, too, had our times in budget cuts, but several years ago the City Council became concerned with the reduction in services that would result from inadequate financial support and increased the budget for books and other media in our four small branches.

Then, with strong public support, late last year the council approved a $7-million budget for the construction of a new Central Library. The Irvine Co. offered to exchange four acres of prime land in Newport Center for the two acres where a branch is located.


But additional money--more than $1 million--is still required to complete the project. The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation was established to raise the private supplementary funds; Elizabeth and John Stahr agreed to head the fund raising; and the Friends of the Library pledged their help and support. The campaign for funds is beginning.

The moral of the story is that public libraries need the dedicated support of both local government and of the people who live and work in the community if they are to fulfill their traditional role as educators of people of all ages and backgrounds.


Chairman, Board of Library

Trustees, Newport Beach
