
Preserve Libraries


I am grateful for the recent Times article detailing the erosion of libraries in Southern California (“Saving the Temples of Literacy,” March 12). San Diego ranked near the bottom in per capita spending compared to other American cities. But now, recent budget proposals endorsed by the San Diego City Council could mean the end of libraries as we have known them.

Think what a 60% cut in an already bare-bones operating budget would mean: All branch libraries would be closed, except for eight--one for each district--and those may be open as little as 12 hours per week. Old Ben Franklin, who began our public libraries, probably turns in his grave.

Sadder still, most San Diego elementary schools do not have their own libraries and must rely on nearby public libraries. Our libraries also support the adult literacy campaign, conduct summer reading programs for children, and act as places where young and old meet in our communities.


Two-thirds of the city library staff could be fired, unless we stop the present proposal. I would prefer to have these dedicated professionals, who are already working miracles for peanuts, greet my preschool daughter with a smile, instead of having them auction off all her favorite books.

Getting and keeping good libraries takes political leadership from the top--the new library in Phoenix got built this way. I do not know of any City Council members identifying themselves as destroyers of our libraries, but who would claim such a title?I think we should encourage our City Council members to stand against a narrow greed, making false economies that will lead to a new Dark Age.


La Jolla
