
Supreme Court Upholds Stay of Execution for Harris


Thank you very much for your editorial. It is hard to believe that so many people favor the death penalty in this our so-called civilized society. The pro-death penalty people sound very much like the mob trying to stone to death the adulterous woman in the Gospel, to whom Jesus very wisely said: “Cast the first stone those who are without sin.” Of course the worst sin is lack of love and compassion for others. Obviously, Harris’ brain was affected by being abused as a child and by the fact that his mother had an alcohol problem.

Gov. George Deukmejian should go to Iran where he belongs. There, his thirst for revenge will be amply satisfied watching all those people being hanged and stoned by the dozens.

Again, we should not kill people who kill people, to show that we should not kill people. God gave us life and only God can take it away.



