
Marine Air Station vs. County Development


I will provide the short plank if Mayor Larry Agran of Irvine provides the long walk, along with everybody else who complains about the noise at the Tustin and El Toro air stations (April 7).

Agran can try blaming the county, which has cheated on Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) 65 areas. But he has only himself to blame for moving into an area with two military bases that have been there since World War II. Everyone wants to be free, but few are willing to pay for it.

The noise was here before most of us were here, before most of us were born! As a resident of central and south Orange County for 41 years and as a former Marine stationed at El Toro, I know what it takes, as others do, to maintain freedom. The military has to train and if you move into their training area, you adapt to them.

So, to Agran and the rest of the yahoos who complain about noise, I wouldn’t call someone who buys a house under a flight pattern an innocent bystander.


I would suggest they relocate to Blythe or Quartsite, where there aren’t so many military aircraft.


Trabuco Canyon
