
Grandson of Ex-Army Leader Slain in Panama

<i> Associated Press</i>

The 3-year-old grandson of a former Panamanian military leader has been found dead nine days after being kidnaped for ransom, police said.

Marcos Rodriguez Justines was the grandson of Col. Marcos Justines, former military chief of staff in the Panama Defense Forces.

Police said the boy’s body had begun to decompose by the time it was found Thursday afternoon. They would not reveal whether the $1-million ransom demanded by the kidnapers had been paid.


The boy was kidnaped last week from his home in the Villa de las Fuentes neighborhood of Panama City, the capital.

Justines is in jail, as are many former military and government officials after the U.S. invasion in December in which Gen. Manuel A. Noriega was overthrown.
