
International Economic Indicators

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Consumer Price Index The consumer price index measures the cost of the typical worker’s purchases of goods and services against the cost of those same purchases in the base year 1985. For each country, 1.00=1985 cost.

% chg. COUNTRY Previous Year from yr. (month) Latest month ago ago NORTH AMERICA U.S. (Feb.)* 1.19 1.184 1.13 5.3 Canata (Feb.) 1.225 1.218 1.162 5.4 LATIN AMERICA Argen. (Mar.)* 10012 5139.2 9.34 20290 Brazil (Dec.)* 3046.5 2011.3 163.87 1859 Chile (Mar.) 2.229 2.179 1.808 23.2 Colomb. (Jan.) 2.663 2.578 2.103 26.6 Mexico (Jan.) 12.665 12.082 10.341 22.5 Venez. (Mar.) 4.183 4.257 2.851 46.7 PACIFIC RIM Hong Kong (Feb.)** 1.34 1.33 1.254 7 Indonesia (Jan.) 1.369 1.356 1.285 6.5 Japan (Mar.) 1.055 1.051 1.019 3.5 Malaysia (Nov.) 1.076 107 1.049 2.3 Singapore (Feb.) 1.051 1.05 1.015 3.5 S. Korea (Mar.) 1.26 1.246 1.178 7 Taiwan (Mar.)* 1.092 1.088 1.05 4 Thailand (Jan.) 1.171 1.161 1.103 6.2 EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA Austria (Jan.) 1.092 1.085 1.062 2.8 Belg. (Mar.) 1.097 1.094 1.061 3.4 Britain (Mar.) 1.283 1.271 1.187 8.1 Den. (Feb.) 1.198 1.195 1.16 3.3 Finland (Feb.) 1.25 1.248 1.166 7.2 Greece (Mar.) 2.09 2.014 1.775 17.7 Israel (Mar.) 2.734 2.704 2.358 15.9 Nether. (Mar.) 1.027 1.023 1.005 2.2 Norway (Mar.) 1.345 1.33 1.287 4.5 Portugal (Jan.) 1.607 1.58 1.434 1.2 S. Africa (Feb.) 1.933 1.92 1.682 14.9 Spain (Mar.) 1.345 1.34 1.258 6.9 Sweden (Mar.) 1.336 1.3 1.201 11.2 Switz. (Mar.) 1.116 1.112 1.063 5 W. Germ. (Mar.) 1.063 1.062 1.035 2.7 Yugo. (Jan.) 1088.4 785.3 26.284 4141

*CPI for urban areas. **CPI for low income workers. SOURCE: DRI/McGraw-Hill
