
Researchers Begin Search for Grave of Genghis Khan

<i> Reuters</i>

A convoy of vehicles carrying researchers from Japan and Mongolia roared off into the Mongolian plains Wednesday in search of the grave of Genghis Khan.

One thousand people watched as 40 Mongolian horsemen led the motorcade out of Ulan Bator. Wrestlers and dancers in traditional Mongolian dress performed before the study group headed east for Hentiy province, where the conqueror’s grave is believed to be situated.

Genghis Khan, the 13th-Century warrior who united Mongolian tribes and forged an empire that stretched from the borders of Eastern Europe to the Korean Peninsula, was recalled as a dangerous reactionary during 69 years of Communist rule. But as Mongolia undertakes sweeping political reforms, he has become a national hero, symbolizing a glorious past.


The search for the grave is being financed by Japanese newspapers and television stations.
