
NAMES IN THE NEWS : Japanese Prince to Wed June 29

<i> From Times Wire Services</i>

Prince Aya, second son of Emperor Akihito, will marry graduate student Kiko Kawashima on June 29, the Imperial Household Agency said Tuesday.

An agency official said a messenger from the emperor will call on Kawashima, 23, and her parents at their home on May 11 to formally notify them of the wedding date.

The government plans to spend about $1 million on the wedding of Kawashima and the 24-year-old Aya, second in line to the throne after his elder brother, Crown Prince Naruhito. Prince Aya, who graduated from Gakushuin University in 1988, is studying zoology at Oxford’s St. John’s College in Britain. Aya and Kawashima met five years ago on the campus of Gakushuin University. Kawashima, the daughter of a Gakushuin professor, is taking graduate courses in psychology at the Tokyo university.


The couple announced their engagement in September.
