
‘Smash-Mouth Pest Control’ Method to Eradicate Medflies


I was delighted to read Jordan’s column because someone whose credentials qualify him as an expert has presented a logical statement against the wholesale spraying we have been enduring here in Southern California.

All during the past winter, I worried that the malathion spraying was destroying the beneficial insects. And now my patio garden has been invaded by hordes of aphids. Plants which never before had aphids are now loaded.

I do not use pesticides in my garden because I do not want to add to the toxicity of the environment. So, I am now spraying my plants with diluted Ivory soap and removing the pests by hand. I have to perform this process every few days to keep up with the aphids.


In order to avoid pesticide use, I have always allowed a certain number of spiders to inhabit my garden. They are helpful in keeping down the population of flying pests, such as whiteflies. I wonder how many spiders will survive the malathion spraying--and how many ladybugs.

I wish those in power would learn to work with Mother Nature (sigh).


Los Angeles
