
Animal Rights Movement and Medical Experiments


Are you kidding? “Animals or Humans?” Shouldn’t it be animals and plants and humans? Earth Day isn’t even cold yet and The Times arrogance and ignorance are regrettably--even tearfully--promulgated by an unthinking and unfeeling editorial laureate for vivisectionist anxiety.

Even if your specious logic were valid, the premise is still pathetic. Historically, our relationship with other life forms has been a litany of exploitation; paradoxically, Homo sapiens can be incredibly kind or incredibly cruel. To equate, indeed, rate superior, the meanest human condition or the vilest human behavior to the lives of animals squandered in dubious research is stupid and inhuman. “Master race,” master species, what’s the difference?

You advocate medical experiments on suitable subjects? Collect the vermin from jail who, biologically if not socially, best approximate the “wise men” we designate ourselves.



Los Angeles
