
Santa Monica : $160.1-Million Budget Plan


City Manager John Jalili is proposing a $160.1-million city budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, which is just under 1% less than last year.

The City Council held study sessions with department heads last week. The public will be able to comment on the proposed budget on June 26, when final council approval is expected.

The general fund, from which most expenditures are made, is proposed for $85.2 million, an increase of $6.1 million, or 7.7%, over last year. An additional $9.7 million in capital improvements--mostly traffic related--is also proposed.


Among new expenditures proposed are $220,000 for a child-care center at Marine Park, a $150,000 increase in funding for nonprofit youth agencies, full-year funding for 12 additional police officers, which was only partly funded last year, and a new paramedic unit.

The city maintains separate budgets for beach maintenance, transportation, airport, redevelopment, water and the pier.
