
Jordan’s King Calls Iraqi Leader a Patriot for Arabs

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T<i> he Washington Post</i>

King Hussein of Jordan came to the defense of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on Saturday night, describing him as a patriot for the majority of the Arab world and criticizing Arab condemnation of the Iraqi leader for invading Kuwait.

The Jordanian monarch, traditionally a stabilizing and moderating influence in the Middle East, appeared nearly alone among other major heads of state in the region in his solidarity with Hussein, but his stand reflected strong popular support in Jordan for Iraq’s seizure of Kuwait.

Interviewed by British television, the king said the decisions by other Arab states to condemn the Iraqi invasion were “premature” and have scuttled efforts to bring about a summit of Arab leaders in the Saudi port of Jidda to resolve the crisis.


Asked how he could ally himself with Saddam Hussein, who is seeking to expand his influence by force through the Arab world, the Jordanian monarch said: “With respect to the majority of the Arab world, President (Hussein) is a patriotic man who believes in his nation and its future and in establishing ties with others on the basis of mutual respect.

“If the issue here is linked to the interests of the rest of the world, there are also Arab interests that merit equal consideration,” the king added, according to a transcript in Arabic of his remarks provided by the official Jordanian news agency, Petra.
