
Iraqi Forces Overrun Tiny Kuwait

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You’re right. Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait should and hopefully will serve as a reminder to Americans that we are much too dependent upon oil--foreign or otherwise (editorial, “Is Anyone Really Safe,” Aug. 3).

However, the simplest, most effective and immediate response would be to “detox” ourselves from “fossilized” methods of transportation. Stop buying gas. Make it patriotic to cut our gas consumption. Make it illegal to drive solo. Forget the freeway part of the new gas tax and put it all to mass transit--only these kinds of measures will flatten Iraq President Saddam Hussein’s tires.

Don’t waste time stuck in beltway gridlock. Don’t wait for the President; the Bush reelection pump is partially primed by oil, and will likely not take meaningful action. So let’s rally ‘round something besides the gas pump this go-round. How ‘bout, “Uncle Sam Wants You--to Take the Bus or the Blue”?



