
Missing Teens Found Slain in Jerusalem : Mideast: Bodies of two Jewish youths are discovered near an Arab neighborhood. Angry crowds seeking vengeance begin stoning Palestinians.

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From United Press International

The bodies of two slain Jewish teen-agers missing since Saturday were found today near an Arab neighborhood, triggering revenge stonings of Palestinian vehicles by crowds of angry Jews.

The bodies of Lior Tubul, 17, and Ronen Karamani, 18, were found in a valley in northern Jerusalem between the Arab neighborhood of Beit Hanina and Ramot, where they lived. The two boys had been bound, gagged and stabbed in the back many times, police said.

“There is no reason to believe it was for anything but nationalistic reasons,” Police Commissioner Ya’acov Turner said. “There is no clear-cut evidence. But there are no obvious explanations why they would be murdered for any other reason.”


Police said that many Arabs had been detained for questioning, but that they had no suspects. Police put Beit Hanina under curfew and searched the area.

Turner urged calm, but crowds of angry Israeli Jews quickly gathered on roads in southern Jerusalem and stoned Palestinian cars from the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Three Palestinians riding in a bus were slightly injured by rocks, police said.

At least 15 cars were stoned and a van set on fire, police said.

“We turn to the public to stay cool and to let us do our work,” Turner said.

The killings, immediately denounced by Israelis as an act of terrorism, came nine days after a 17-year-old Jewish Canadian tourist was killed by a pipe bomb on a Tel Aviv beach.


The killing of the two Jerusalem teen-agers was deplored by leaders across the political spectrum.
