
Poison-Gas Detector

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West Germany is lending U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf 10 Transportpanzer 10 (Fuchs) armored personnel carriers designed to detect chemical agents. Iraq says it has chemical weapons and will use them if attacked. A Defense Ministry spokesman in Bonn said the United States had ordered 10 of the amphibious vehicles from the West German manufacturer, but because they were not ready, West Germany wil let the Americans use 10 of the West Germany army’s vehicles. Model: Transportpanzer nuclear-biological-chemical (NBC) amphibious reconnaissance vehicle. Equipment includes radiation and chemical detection units, sampling instruments and markers. Detection operations carried out within vehicle, which is equipped with a protective ventilation system. Crew: 12 people: 1 driver, 1 commander and 10 infantrymen Armament: Varies according to mission-can consist of a 7.62-millimeter machine gun mounted over the commander’s position or a 20-millimeter cannon mounted over a circular-ring hatch. Six smoke discharges are mounted on side of hull. Maximum speed: Road, 65 m.p.h.; water, 6.5 m.p.h. Fuel capacity: About 102 gallons Maximum road range: 496 miles Source: Reuters, Jane’s Armour and Artillery 1989-90
