
Favorite Rose Blooms Produce Two ‘Noses’Q: Double...


Favorite Rose Blooms Produce Two ‘Noses’

Q: Double Delight is my favorite rose in the garden, but the blooms sometimes turn into two “noses.” Is this common, or am I doing something wrong?

A: Double Delight--which, by the way, is the most popular rose in the country--does occasionally produce double-nosed blooms. Some experts think this condition is caused by overfeeding, so if you’re fertilizing heavily, try cutting back.

Unsterilized Soil to Blame for Gnats

Q: Hordes of little black gnats seem to hover above the soil in my houseplants. What are they, and how can I get rid of them?


A: Fungus gnats hatch from eggs deposited in unsterilized potting soil. They become active when plants are kept damp. To get rid of them, try a new diazinon product called Whitmire Ultra Guard; or you can use Schultz houseplant spray, a pyrethrum-based low-toxicity insecticide. To avoid these gnats in the future, use only sterilized potting soil.
