
Limits on TV Ads Aimed at Kids


I was surprised to see The Times come out in favor of government censorship of the media. Protecting children from the harmful effects of watching too many toy commercials on television (if there is any harm--it has never been credibly proven), is certainly a noble cause.

Also, controlling the amount of free speech that merchandisers enjoy has a long tradition in the law. And broadcasters, because they are fewer in number than newspapers, have always been subject to strict government control of content.

But it invites abuse to give government the power to deny a member of the media the right to stay in business if it does not, in the government’s opinion, meet some vague standard such as “serving the educational and informational needs of children in its overall programming.”


Speech, whether you and I value its content or not, should flow freely.

Children’s TV viewing habits already are controlled by parents and legal guardians. Let’s not allow the government to take over another one of their functions.

I trust the judgment of parents before politicians.


