
NATION : 5-Time Mo. Murderer Executed

<i> From Times Wire Services</i>

A man convicted of five murders was put to death by injection early today for killing an elderly woman 11 years ago. George C. Gilmore, 44, was declared dead at 12:10 a.m. at Potosi Correctional Center.

“He had no last words,” said prison spokesman Dale Riley.

A brother, a niece and a fiancee wept and covered their faces with their hands as officials announced the fatal delivery of sodium pentothal, Pavlon and potassium chloride into a tube in Gilmore’s arm.

Gilmore was executed for killing 83-year-old Mary Luella Watters in August, 1979.

His partner in crime, Leonard Laws, was executed May 17. Authorities say they killed five people in a St. Louis-area crime spree, targeting elderly or helpless people for robbery and murder.
