
Some ‘Cures’ for ‘Home Sick’ Sufferers


We sympathize with the present generation on their predicament on the housing situation. This family has several couples with the same problem.

However, we of The Older Generation, also had our “Classic Stress Syndrome” in the ‘30s, ‘40s and ‘50s: very few jobs, coming out of the Depression into a war where our lives and plans were put on hold for a long, long time, and if youmade a salary of $90 per month, you were “King of the Mountain.”

Yes, we did get a wonderful break from Uncle Sam--G.I. loans at 4%--if you qualified. This was a pay-back for putting your life on the line for your country.


Yes, and we certainly count our blessings every day of our lives.

So, please give The Older Generation a little TLC.


La Canada
