
Jesse Jackson on South Africa


The Rev. Jesse Jackson’s column, “Why Then Embrace De Klerk” (Commentary, Sept. 27) made a lot of sense in terms of South Africa’s continued exploitation of that nation’s black population and other inexcusable conduct.

No one can really take the part of South Africa or defend its actions. It is Jackson’s actions that are open to question here.

You will have to look very hard to discover his efforts to rescue innocent blacks when Idi Amin was in the business of slaughtering hundreds of thousands of them. It may not have been racist in the classical sense, but it surely was atrocities against men, women and children who were black.


The same goes for Ethiopia today. Ironically, it was the Israelis who worked secretly to shepherd Falashas from that sorry nation to Israel. And they were successful until press reports uncovered the effort.

My point is that innocent victims of violent behavior, especially that by governments operated by any nation, should be looked upon with some equality.

The victims of the South African oppressive regime and the victims of those nations operated by dictators likewise of color are one and the same. Why is that so difficult for the Rev. Jackson to see and plead for?


