
WORLD : British Hostages’ Release Seen

From Times Wire Services

Anglican church envoy Terry Waite and other Britons held hostage in Lebanon will be released “before the end of next week,” a Lebanese newsletter said today.

“The final arrangements for the release of the British hostages held in Lebanon topped by Anglican church envoy Terry Waite are under way behind the scene,” Akhbar al-Yom (Today’s News) said.

The missing Britons are “expected to be released before the end of next week,” the report said. It did not disclose further details.


The privately owned newsletter is close to the Higher Shiite Islamic Council, the highest Shiite Muslim religious authority in Lebanon.

The newsletter seldom reports on the foreign hostages but has been fairly accurate when it does.

It was the latest in a flurry of reports predicting the release soon of British captives.
