
Violence in Jerusalem


“Israelis Slay 19 Arabs in Clash in Jerusalem,” your headline screams (Oct. 9). Nowhere do you give equal weight to the fact that 3,000 Palestinians were throwing thousands of rocks, bottles and shrapnel down on Israelis and tourists. Were these thugs throwing potentially lethal missiles at soldiers with rifles? No, they were throwing them at Jewish women with prayer books, at old men armed with prayer shawls, at children dancing.

What would your headline say if thousands of Jews threw rocks at praying Muslim women?

Your article says that Palestinians were upset by a rumor that a small group of radical Jews were going to lay a cornerstone on the Temple Mount. If that were the case, why were they aiming at women and children more than a hundred feet below in a completely different area? The rumor turned out to be false. There was no cornerstone, no group of radical Jews, so these hate-filled men attacked innocent worshipers. When the police responded, the rioters quickly portrayed themselves as the victims. Secretary of State James Baker chides Israel to use restraint.

What sort of restraint would the Washington police use if thousands of thugs threw rocks and bottles at worshipers in the National Cathedral? Or is that somehow different?



Van Nuys
