
Garrison Town Retaken, Rwanda Officials Report

From Reuters

Government forces backed by Zairean troops have retaken the garrison town and tourist resort of Gabiro from rebels who invaded the Central African state from Uganda on Oct. 1.

Army officials who escorted foreign journalists to Gabiro and other parts of the northeast said the rebels have retreated toward the border but acknowledged they still hold a sizable area.

Army sources said troops retook the town, 40 miles from the capital, Kigali, on Thursday, but the rebels, mainly Rwandan exiles from the minority Tutsi tribe, said they pulled out of Gabiro after seizing arms to avoid heavy losses.


They also told a correspondent in rebel-held territory that 1,500 Zaireans are now fighting alongside the government troops and claimed that Belgium, the former colonial power, is giving direct military help.

Rebel Maj. Peter Bayengana said that intelligence sources working for the rebels in Kigali reported that seven C-130 Hercules transport planes arrived last week from Zaire. He said the rebels believe that white officers they spotted during fighting were Belgian.

Belgium, Rwanda’s former colonial power, denied Saturday that its soldiers are involved in the fighting.
