
Report Finds Navy Lax in Prosecuting Sexual Assaults

<i> Washington Post</i>

The Navy has a serious problem with rapes, sexual assaults and violations of fraternization rules at its sprawling Orlando Naval Training Center in Florida, but often has failed to seek appropriate punishment for offenders, a Pentagon investigation concluded.

In the 18 months ended June 30, the Navy’s inspector general reported there were at least six rapes of female students or recruits, but no one has been prosecuted.

During the same 18 months, female recruits at Orlando--which includes the Navy’s only boot camp for women--reported 24 rapes or sexual assaults. Navy law enforcement officials “substantiated or resolved” eight of the rape cases and five instances of sexual assault, the report said. Investigators concluded that two of those who said they were raped had made false statements. Only one of the 13 cases, an assault, resulted in court-martial proceedings.
