
Raymond Theatre Has a Champion in Gina Zamparelli


After reading Vicki Torres’ article (Times, Oct. 18) on the present situation with the newly saved Raymond Theatre, it was painfully obvious that she failed to mention the woman who was most instrumental in that theater’s salvation. All grateful Pasadenans, both business owners and residents alike, know her as Gina Zamparelli.

Are you aware of the blood, sweat and tears that this amazing lady poured into years of extensive and exhausting research in order to convince the city what we would lose if we allowed the Raymond Theatre to stop producing live entertainment? Are you also aware that she is still very much involved with the restoration project of the theater?

Let us not forget to give credit where credit is due. I know I speak for many people when I say, “Thank you, Gina Zamparelli. Thank you for having the courage and tenacity to battle so many obstacles so that we might once again be able to enjoy the benefits that such a beautiful theater and its events can bring to the city of Pasadena. After making this dream a reality we can only hope that you’ll be around for us when the next historical landmark is threatened by corporate development.”



Sierra Madre

Editor’s note--Zamparelli’s work to save the Raymond was noted in a May 13 Times article.
