
Chess Tournament’s Longest Game Ends in a Draw--After 84 Moves

From Associated Press

World chess champion Garry Kasparov and challenger Anatoly Karpov remained tied Tuesday night after they agreed to a draw in the eighth game of their championship match.

The draw was agreed to after Kasparov made his 84th move to complete the longest game of the match. The contestants, each with a victory and six draws, are tied at 4 points each.

The game began Monday night and was adjourned after 40 moves when the time limit for a night’s play was reached. At that point, experts said Karpov appeared to have a chance of winning.


Here are the moves of the game, with Kasparov playing white, Karpov black:

1. e4/e5; 2. Nf3/Nc6; 3. Bb5/a6; 4. Ba4/Nf6; 5. 0-0/Be7; 6. Re1/b5; 7. Bb3/d6; 8. c3/0-0; 9. h3/Nd7; 10. d4/Bf6; 11. a4/Bb7; 12. Be3/Na5; 13. Bc2/Nc4; 14. Bc1/d5; 15. dxe5/Ndxe5; 16. Nxe5/Nxe5; 17. axb5/axb5; 18. Rxa8/Qxa8; 19. f4/Ng6; 20. e5/Bh4; 21. Rf1/Be7; 22. Nd2/Bc5+; 23. Kh2/d4; 24. Qe2/dxc3; 25. bxc3/Rd8; 26. Ne4/Ba3; 27. Bxa3/Bxe4; 28. Qxe4/Qxa3; 29. f5/Ne7; 30. Qh4/f6;

31. Qg3/Kf8; 32. Kh1/Qc5; 33. exf6/gxf6; 34. Bb3/Nd5; 35. Qh4/Kg7; 36. Rd1/c6; 37. Rd4/Qxc3; 38. Rg4+/Kh8; 39. Bxd5/Qa1+; 40. Kh2/Qe5+; 41. Rg3/cxd5; 42. Qg4/Qc7; 43. Qd4/Qd6; 44. Kh1/Re8; 45. Qg4/Qd7; 46. Rd3/Re1+; 47. Kh2/Re4; 48. Qg3/Re5; 49. Ra3/Re8; 50. Qf4/Qb7; 51. Kh1/Qb8; 52. Qh4/Qb6; 53. Qb4/d4; 54. Rg3/Qc7; 55. Rd3/Qc1+; 56. Kh2/Qf4+; 57. Kg1/Qc1+; 58. Kh2/Qf4+; 59. Kg1/Rc8; 60. Rd1/Rd8;

61. Qxb5/Qe3+; 62. Kh1/d3; 63. Qa5/Qd4; 64. Qa1/Qb6; 65. Qa2/Kg7; 66. Qd2/Qc5; 67. Rf1/Rd4; 68. Rf3/Qd6; 69. Re3/Ra4; 70. Re1/h5; 71. Rb1/Qd7; 72. Qd1/Kh6; 73. Qd2+/Kg7; 74. Qe3/h4; 75. Qf3/Kh6; 76. Qe3+/Kg7; 77. Qf3/d2; 78. Qh5/Qf7; 79. Qxf7+/Kxf7; 80. Rd1/Rd4; 81. Kg1/Rd5; 82. Kf2/Rxf5+; 83. Ke2/Rg5; 84. Kf2/Draw agreed
