
Ninth Chess Game Ends in a Draw

<i> Associated Press</i>

Titleholder Garry Kasparov and challenger Anatoly Karpov ended the ninth game of their world championship chess match Wednesday night in a draw after 34 moves.

They remain tied in the match, with 4 1/2 points each. The first player to gain 12 1/2 points wins the championship and $1.7 million of a $3-million purse.

Here are the moves of the ninth game, with Karpov playing white and Kasparov black:

1. d4/Nf6; 2. c4/g6; 3. Nc3/d5; 4. cxd5/Nxd5; 5. e4/Nxc3; 6. bxc3/Bg7; 7. Be3/c5; 8. Qd2/cxd4; 9. cxd4/Nc6; 10. Rd1/Qa5; 11. Qxa5/Nxa5; 12. Nf3/0-0; 13. Be2/Bd7; 14. Bd2/b6; 15. 0-0/Rfd8; 16. Rc1/Bg4; 17. d5/Nb7;


18. h3/Bxf3; 19. Bxf3/Nc5; 20. Be3/Rac8; 21. Bg4/Rb8; 22. Rc4/h5; 23. Bf3/e6; 24. Rd1/exd5; 25. exd5/Be5; 26. g4/hxg4; 27. hxg4/Nb7; 28. Ra4/Na5; 29. g5/Rbc8; 30. Be2/Bd6; 31. Kg2/Bc5; 32. Bd2/Rxd5; 33. Bf3/Rdd8; 34. Bxa5/draw agreed.
