
PLATFORM : Enough to Share

<i> C. PAYNE LUCAS is executive director of Africare, a Washington-based nonprofit organization that provides development assistance and health care in rural areas of Africa. Commenting on America's abundance versus the poverty in Africa, he told The Times:</i>

Americans on this Thanksgiving Day should not take what they have for granted. They should view their blessings in context by considering the needs of people in the Third World and Eastern Europe. People in Eastern Europe are hurting--and the response from the West and from Japan has been impressive. However, people in the Third World are experiencing great pain.

Americans need to be thankful, but they also need to share. If given a chance to reach its potential, Africa has the resources to feed itself and feed the world.

Changes are occurring, but Africa needs tools for development. A well can be dug for as little as $300.


Americans respond to people in a crisis. It’s important to provide food to keep people alive. However, if we help Africans build irrigated agricultural systems, they can feed themselves. Individuals, churches and community groups in America can make a difference.
