
Israeli-Arab Violence

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You are indeed right about a cruel month in the Middle East. Twelve Israeli soldiers were killed in separate attacks. However you forgot to mention that at least as many Palestinians civilians--children included--were killed, and hundreds were injured in November. You did not clarify that the five Israelis soldiers killed in a ferocious firefight with Palestinian guerrillas were in Lebanon, patrolling the Israeli-annexed southern part of that country. Contrary to what you wrote, Israel has not withdrawn from Lebanon. In fact, thousands of Lebanese have been expelled from their homes, the communication networks have been integrated with those of Israel and commerce is only permitted with Israel.

Claiming that these attacks are against Israel’s existence, as your “expert” is quoted, demonstrates ignorance at best. How about viewing them as desperate attempts by people--Lebanese and Palestinian--who do not want to be dominated and repressed by a foreign government? I submit to you that hate and intolerance as we presently see in action in the Middle East did not arise in a vacuum. There are basic political realities rooted in justice and freedom that have to be dealt with before we can see each side “elevate their ambitions and find a way to live in relative harmony.”

E. MOORE, Irvine
