
PLATFORM : Just Don’t Drive


They give you these little (cardboard) spin wheels that tell you if you weigh so much, you can have so many drinks in so much time and still be under the legal limit. That is what’s misleading. If you’re going to be the driver, you should abstain, period. People can take turns. It takes a commitment.

I’ve looked at that spin wheel, and some bars have a Breathalyzer machine. All of these things are to tell you whether you’ve crossed the legal limit. The problem I have with that (is that) at different times in my life, being the same weight, under certain circumstances I could have one drink and feel fine or have one drink and feel like I couldn’t drive. That’s what’s misleading, because you (use these things) and you figure, “I’m allowed to have two drinks in an hour at my weight. I can drive.” And that’s not necessarily true.

The stricter law is positive. (But) people are still trying to figure out how they (can stay below) that limit, or get around the law.
