
SANTA PAULA : Railroad Still Has Not Completed Crossing Repairs


Despite repeated promises by railroad officials, repairs to 14 of Santa Paula’s 15 railroad crossings have not been made, said Jeff Palmer, staff engineer for the city.

The City Council sent a letter requesting the repairs to Southern Pacific railroad in June, 1989.

Another request was sent to the railroad and the Public Utilities Commission last September.


Southern Pacific official Tom Johnson visited the city Nov. 6 to verify the hazardous conditions at the crossings and promised the repairs would begin the week of Nov. 19, Palmer said.

“Since that time we have had no contact, despite the fact I have called him daily,” Palmer said.

Hazards include potholes, rotten planking, and pavement that stands several inches above the rails, former Mayor Kay Wilson said.

These conditions cause problems for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and particularly the handicapped, she said.

The city has been trying to get the railroad to correct the situation for a year and a half, Palmer said. He plans to bring the matter before the City Council again next week.
