
What the Bible Says About Homosexuality

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Phillips perseveres in the massive propaganda effort of the homosexual community to persuade us that all the great scholars of Judeo-Christian morality for more than 3,000 years have misunderstood their own texts. Phillips makes much of the fact that the word arsenikoi to describe one of the classes of sinners condemned by St. Paul in I Corinthians, Chapter 6--and which was translated “homosexuals” in the Revised Standard Version of the New Testament--has allegedly been shown by John Boswell of Yale to refer to bisexual male prostitutes. But the synonym often given for this word in standard concordances is paederastoi. All of this is, however, irrelevant, because St. Paul’s condemnation of both male and female homosexuality in the first chapter of the Letter to the Romans is unequivocal and unqualified.

HARRY V. JAFFA, Director, Center for the Study of the Natural Law, Claremont Institute
