
What the Bible Says About Homosexuality

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I must take exception to the opinion piece by Phillips. There is a vast chasm between the laws of the United States and the laws of God as recorded in the Bible. It would be folly for anyone to attempt to use Scripture as the basis for civil liberties, either in justifying or denying them. It is folly, likewise, to use the Bible (whatever translation), in justifying homosexuality.

To conclude that the destruction of Sodom was a result of that city’s mistreatment of strangers is incomplete. The men of the city demanded that Lot bring out the strangers he had harbored in his house that they “might know them.” This involved more than a mere getting acquainted. Lot replies by offering his two daughters “which have not known man.” Clearly the knowledge the men sought was of a carnal nature.

To claim that Paul, in his writings, was any more tolerant of homosexuality is absurd.

Phillips can rightly complain about legal inequities between homosexual and heterosexual relationships, but to use Scripture to morally justify a gay or lesbian lifestyle one must wear narrow blinders while reading.


