
Amber Case a Challenge for County

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I have just finished reading your latest mumbo-jumbo on Orange County et al trying to clean up the obscene and overt racism case of Amber Jefferson.

After the who saids and what saids and when saids, you are still left with the word nigger and a brown-skinned child’s face, from mixed parents, badly scarred for life. More important than the physical scar on her face is the scar left in her mind and in the minds of so many others.

Will America meet her challenge? Will Orange County, more specifically, meet hers?

Will you, for once, look at a thing for what it is and learn and grow from it? Does the fact that Amber Jefferson and friends had alcohol, rather than soda, justify her face being almost torn from her body? Does that really comfort your conscience, Orange County, to know that her lips touched alcohol and not soda that night?

I mean, can you honestly print in your, yes, “white editors make the calls” newspaper that the Police Department’s investigators were inexperienced and that is why the case appears to have been handled sloppily, according to the police force.


So, heaven forbid, if Orange County gets saddled with another race case! After all, this is the county that is the caretaker of Disneyland.

